Have you never done online mobile recharge for your phone? We tell you how to do it.
The earliest mobile phone users in the country, when mobile telecom services were launched in the late 1990s, were mostly prepaid users. However, more and more users slowly started switching to postpaid connections over the years, especially when call and SMS rates were slashed considerably as competition grew amongst providers.
However, there is a still a large pool of phone users that prefers to go with prepaid connections. These normally comprise students and homemakers, though a large proportion of the working population also uses prepaid services. This is because there is little to separate prepaid from postpaid connections today.
The biggest point of difference between the two, is that the prepaid connection must be recharged regularly to remain active, while the postpaid connection generates a bill after the billing cycle is complete.
Doing the mobile recharge online is really simple. Leading service providers have free apps that you can download and use for the online recharge, or you can use the provider’s website to do so. The website and app can be used to settle postpaid and broadband bills, and also do DTH recharge.
If you have never tried mobile recharge using your computer or smartphone, now is the time to make the switch from offline cash transactions to online payment. It saves time, effort and also money, since you are bound to get fabulous discounts and cashback on every online recharge. Plus, it is so simple that anybody can do it, from anywhere and at any time.
Recharge 101: 5 easy steps to mobile recharge
Step 1: Choose if you want to use your service provider’s website or smartphone app to do the mobile recharge. Both follow similar steps, and there are clear instructions on what to do at each stage, so you will not make a mistake.
Step 2: If you use the provider’s website for recharge, then open the home page and look for the words ‘Prepaid recharge’. Click on this field and input your 10-digit phone number. Next, enter your email ID and click on ‘Select Recharge’. At this stage, you can see your prior recharges, and also some pre-selected quick recharge options. You can choose from the quick recharge options, or continue with your existing prepaid pack.
Step 3: At this stage, you can recharge using any of the listed payment options: provider’s wallet, or debit/credit card, net banking, UPI app, etc. You can note how much balance is still there on the existing pack and input the remaining sum accordingly.
Step 4: Click the pointer on ‘Recharge now’ and enter the recharge amount you wish to pay. Proceed to the next step to complete the mobile recharge.
Step 5: You will get an SMS alert informing you that the recharge money has been sent to your provider. That’s it – the recharge is complete.
Follow this exact sequence of events every time you wish to do the mobile recharge on your phone.