Living a healthy lifestyle is no mean feat! In fact, it is always considered to be a second ‘full-time’ job; except, rather than being paid for all the efforts you put in, it’s you who’s actually coughing up all the dosh – and trust us, it can cost to get that dream body.
But you know what? You don’t really have to go the extra mile in order to lead a hale and hearty life. Simply take in stride these 6 easy simple approaches, pulled together by a personal trainer in Liverpool Street, as they’ll help you cut down on additional expenses from purchasing groceries to doctor visits, and everything in between.
Strike off all organic products from your grocery list
If you have been shelling out huge sums on your grocery bill, it’s probably because of all those organic veggies and fruits. But here is a thing – even if organic products aren’t covered in any kind of pesticides, it doesn’t mean every other traditional veggie or fruit is grown using bad chemicals.
Of course, you can keep purchasing organic versions of products that are being grown with the help of safe and high-quality chemicals. But as per several experts, it’s worth saving your money and purchasing those conventional produces.

Drop that fancy gym membership of yours
Studies have revealed that people who have been exercising for at least 30 mins every day have shelled out nearly £1903 in a year on medical expenses in comparison to those who have been following a sedentary lifestyle. Whilst that might sound like music to your ears, you are still burning a hole in your pocket by coughing up thousands of pounds for that gym membership of yours.
For you to ensure that you’ve got enough money saved by the end of every month, better get rid of that fancy membership; instead, start working out within the comforts of your home. Not only does this approach come free of cost, but it also means you can still get fit but just in the comfort of your own four walls.
Opt for a “pay-as-you-go” scheme
If you aren’t in the favour of completely ditching your gym, then look out for schemes like “pay-as-you-go”. Or else, you could even check with your gym whether you can pay a ‘drop-in’ fee, provided you aren’t a regular. By doing just that, you’ll be paying money only when you’re hitting the gym – now, isn’t that a better option?
If none of these ways seems to be working out for you, simply look for gyms with a reasonable fee in your vicinity.
Think ahead of potential health threats
In the initial stages, the expense of a monthly insurance plan might seem to be a little scary, but if you look at the bigger picture you’ll be saving loads of money in the long run.
Add to that with health insurance in place, you’ll also be able to prune those financial impacts of unforeseen injuries and illnesses. What’s more, it’ll keep you covered for preventive care, such as screenings and immunisations that keep you at your best whilst detecting health issues before they escalate. Now, isn’t this type of ‘peace of mind’ worth all your money?
Trade your monthly massage with yoga
No doubt going for an hour-long massage is pure bliss, but have you ever thought of all the stress that those hefty bills might cause you? In order to chill out without emptying your pockets, go sign up for a yoga class or better yet, get a mat and follow a youtube video at home instead.
It has been observed that yoga helps your body respond in a positive manner to the everyday tension and stress, and also keeps those feelings of depression and anxiety at bay! Moreover, the amount you’ll be shelling out on drop-in classes is comparatively lesser than what you’ve been paying for those massage sessions.
Switch those pre-packed juices with fresh fruits
Sure, everyday consumption of green juice might make you feel good; but all these drinks aren’t really as beneficial as they’re shown to be.
Pre-packed juices lack the fibre that’s found in fresh veggies and fruits, meaning you’re simply sipping in a concentrated amount of sugar which causes your blood sugar level to shoot up and crack almost instantly.
Here, the smartest and cheapest move would be to start consuming fresh veggies and fruits because that way you’re ensuring your body gets all the antioxidants and fibre it requires.
And there we have it – our sure-fire ways of not going bankrupt whilst trying to stay in tip-top condition!